What Do Diners Look For In Tea?
Here are a few reasons why consumers are making the transition to tea.

Health benefits
Loaded with an impressive slew of health benefits, tea helps reduce the risk of heart attack and diabetes, and might even fend off cancerous cells due to the large amount of antioxidants present. Also, establishing a habit of tea-drinking has been proven to decrease the risk of Parkinson’s disease and may even prevent loss of bone density over the years.
If your establishment is catered towards a health-conscious group of diners, Sir Thomas Lipton Chamomile Infusion may be an excellent addition to your line of brews. A herbal-based tea like chamomile offers relief to an upset stomach and works wonderfully as a sleeping aid, thanks to the boost of glycine that acts as a mild sedative.

Weight loss
Rich in fat burning properties and great as an appetite suppressant, tea provides a helpful boost to your metabolism that's known to aid in and speed up the process of weight loss.
Try including Sir Thomas Lipton Peppermint Infusion and Sir Thomas Lipton Green Tea with Jasmine if there’s a demand at your establishment for a health-centric line of brews. The invigorating scent of peppermint tea boasts the ability to suppress appetite for food, which over time leads to a decline in unhealthy snacking habits. Green tea, on the other hand, has high amounts of catechin, a type of antioxidant that speeds up the fat burning process.

Taste preference
Favoured when it comes to taste, the overall pleasing notes of tea triumphs over coffee’s bitter taste profile. It’s incredibly compatible with various flavours and is perfect for modern day consumers who are seeking for a more exciting beverage lineup that invigorates their taste buds.
Set your business apart and include Sir Thomas Lipton Green Tea Jasmine and Sir Thomas Lipton Chamomile Infusion in your offerings for a refreshingly contemporary approach - especially since floral flavours are making a comeback.

Nothing is as satisfying as picking up a steaming cup of tea to overcome sluggish mornings. People craving for the stimulating characteristics of coffee usually opt for tea as a substitute beverage as it wakes you up without the jarring effect of excessive caffeine usually present in coffee.
If your establishment offers breakfast sets, try including Sir Thomas Lipton Earl Grey and Sir Thomas Lipton English Breakfast as part of your menu. Black tea carries the most caffeine content among other types of tea and is therefore a fitting addition to consumers craving a boost of energy.